High-Quality, reliable child care is vital to the workforce and to your business.

Contact us to learn how we can help by providing your employees with the resources to access high-quality, affordable, reliable child care.  (716) 661-9430

Visit our Advocacy page to learn how you can help us to help children and families and your organization.

Interested in opening a licensed or registered child care business? Call us at (716) 661-9430 ext. 2289 or 2290 to find out how!

Finger Lakes  Business  Leadership Breakfast – Keynote Speaker Bill Millett of Scope View Strategic Advantage

 “…when it comes to the issue of early education, this country is using yesterday’s logic in too many places.  And we’re paying the price…”

Regional Economic Development Councils Report for 2019:

Providing  The Tools For Prosperity

“In 2019, Regional Councils are asked to address the following priorities:

  • work with local businesses and communities to identify childcare needs and develop potential solutions…”

Click here to view the entire report

Month of the Young Child Kick-off event 2022

“MOYC Chairperson Virginia Miller opened the event with introductory statements regarding the Month of the Young Child, the importance of high-quality early experiences for young  children, and how (2022’s) theme: “Because together, we are stronger for children” emphasizes ways that partnerships and collaborative efforts of community    resources and programs provide a strong early foundation for successful outcomes for young children.

Pictured from left to right:  MOYC Chairperson Virginia Miller, Chautauqua County Executive PJ Wendel, Norine Jones and Thomas Harmon.

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