What is Extended Day and Wrap Around Child Care?
Extended Day and Wrap Around Child Care is day care for your child in our child care center either before or after the Head Start/Universal Pre-Kindergarten class. Parents must be working or going to school in order to access extended day or wrap around child care. Do you want more information? HEADSTART@CHAUTOPP.ORG. Want to enroll? Click Here
Cost for wrap around child care for Preschoolers:
Weekly = 30 or more hours per week for 5 or less days per week
Daily = at least 6 hours but less than 12 hours per day
Part Time = at least 3 hours but less than 6 hours per day
hourly = less than 3 hours per day
Multi-child discount Full price for first child; 5% off for all other children; most expensive care charged at full price
Employee discount 25% off each child in care: NO multi-child discount
You can also explore other day care options by contacting the Chautauqua County Child Care Council Resource and Referral service:
You may be eligible for assistance in paying for day care through the Chautauqua County Department of Social Services.